Monday, December 8, 2008

Tiny Footprints.

Ashton had a hearing test done this morning. It was a bit strange for him but he did really well. They first test the ear drum by some type of computer system and all things were normal.
Then they test something else...can't remember exactly but something to do with the hairs in the ear and that was good too. The final test was done by him responding to the testers voice. Now this was tricky because Ashton can be stubborn and shy and may not do as she was told. Not because he didn't hear her and understand her, but because he just didn't want to. After all was said and done, she believed he didn't do so well with his left ear. She came to this conclusion because she had put ear phones on him and when she would tell him to do something; in this case it was stacking blocks, he would respond only when she spoke into his right ear. When she spoke into his left he just sat there, then she would immediately switch to his right, and he would stack. She said it could have something to do with his left side being the weaker side, and maybe some how due to the surgery, there is some block from listening to a command and processing it in his brain and being able to do the command. I don't know....after we left I did my own test and whispered words into his left ear and asked him to repeat them. He got them all right, so I have a strange hunch he was just being stubborn. I guess we'll just have to see.

Things are moving right along, Ashton's next appt. is Thursday where he will do a kind of "dress rehearsal" of a radiation treatment. They will go through all the motions, even putting him to sleep, but will be given no medicine. I was a bit upset when I first learned of this. It means another day of him going hungry, our appt. is for 10:30, and after his horrible reaction the last time he went under, I am just dreading it. I guess it is important though so of course it must be done. Its funny because all along I have been so anxious about him getting into treatment and getting better, but now I'm starting to get scared. I know this treatment can make him very sick. I also don't know much of what to expect and that is the most scary of all. It is going to be such a long, exhausting, tough thing for him to go through and I just don't want to see him suffering. It makes me sick to think of it.

Tomorrow, Pat is taking the day off because he has an appt. at the Social Security office. Our social worker told us we needed to apply for it for Ashton and it may be a long appt so he just decided to stay home the whole day, which is great. Pat needed to get a number of documents together for this appt. and one of them is Ashton's birth certificate. I keep all my kids certificates in their baby books and told Pat where to find it. As he pulled Ashton's book out I realized I had never taken the time to put it together like I did my other kids. They all have photos and writings done, with hair clipping and hospital wrist bands. Ashton's book has everything just thrown inside it, not put together.....I guess I just never had the time. This struck me as incredibly sad. I haven't cried for at least a week, but tonight when I saw his baby book and saw a white paper flutter to the floor that wasn't glued in, I lost it. It was his little new baby tiny, so innocent, hours old, and not in their right spot. I'm hoping tomorrow or the next day I can find the time to put it all together. He is the third and sometimes that means his mom is too busy to do the things she did for the others, but this is so important to me and he is so worth it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hello my friend. I can relate to the baby book issue. Life gets so crazy that the things we want to do get put on the back burner. I have a little story to share with you about that and I hope it makes you feel better. Keep in mind I have one child not three. Ok, it was about a week before Tim’s first birthday and I had lagged behind on his scrapbook, which I was very committed to doing. I wanted a complete, up to date scrapbook to show at the party. I was frantic trying to get everything together and create cute pages. Tim was coming up to me, wanting to snuggle, wanting to play, wanting my attention and I was a crazy lady. Then all of the sudden I realized that I had it all wrong. I should not be so worried about categorizing and labeling memories; I should be making memories!!!! You my friend were making memories with your children and being a good mom. I bet right now you could tell a story about every photo in that book. Tim is at a point where he kind of likes to look at the pictures, but he would much rather hear the story about what happened and who was there. If you are like me at all having those things to do is therapeutic and keeps your mind focused on something else, but I hope you don’t feel bad about it for long. I filled in my own baby book when I was about 9 and it was a fun experience because I was able to ask my mom all the questions and fill in the information I thought was important.