Friday, May 15, 2009


Ashton had his MRI today and he did such a good job. He woke up so different this time, he was quiet and happy. Nothing like his 7 weeks of radiation.

Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know really quickly that the dr. called me this afternoon with the preliminary results....she saw nothing! There were definitely no tumors present. She has to tell me that the official results won't be available until Monday, but from what she can tell, he is all clear! She said she compared it to his last clear MRI and nothing has changed. I am so happy! Now we can all enjoy this weekend with the beautiful weather and just be thankful for everything we have.

I will post on Monday what the official results are...


Patti Erickson said...

Great, great news; thanks for sharing! Happy Weekend!

Jeff and Jen said...

Praise the Lord. We are so glad to hear the great news!! I hope you get a chance to celebrate as family this weekend :)

Michelle said...

Praise God! I'm thrilled to hear that, just what we've been praying for! Enjoy the sunshine with your whole family this weekend. :-)

karen said...

Wonderful news. Thank God!!
Have a great weekend. Now you can talk a little time to breath!!!! Best Wishes to you all!!

karen said...

sorry meant Take!!