Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ready for round 3.

We came home from the hospital last Saturday and Ashton is doing wonderful! We were supposed to come home on Friday and were in the car and almost to the freeway when we got a call from the dr. to come back. We were set to meet up with an home nurse who would be setting up Ashton's antibiotics-he will be on them until this Saturday for the staph infection. Anyway, something happened and the nurse canceled so we had to stay one more night. It was tough on Ashton, he was so happy to be coming home but he got over it pretty fast.

The dr.s have tweaked his feeding schedule because he was throwing up so much and wasn't able to keep much down. He was being fed all day and night on a continuous feed, but now he is having 4 bigger feeds a day which makes things so much easier, we don't have to carry around all of the equipment all the time now. I love it! He has also started another anti-nausea medication which seems to be working really well. He had such a good day today, almost like old times.

He is scheduled to start his 3rd round of chemo on Monday. I can't believe we are almost half way done. Of course I am concerned about this causing more hearing loss, but compared to the alternative, its really nothing. Please send all the PT's you can to Ashton and pray he has another smooth hospital stay. I will update soon.

1 comment:

triciadavis said...

I am glad to hear this. We spoke on the morning Ashton woke up with a fever. You knew you were going to have to leave the softball field and go directly to the hospital. You are in our daily prayers. -Trish