Saturday, January 17, 2009

The light at the end of the tunnel.

Only 8 treatment days left before Ashton's 6 week break! I can't wait!
Ashton is over the biggest part of Radiation but is still feeling the effects.
His head is really red and he has a bright red stripe running down his front and
his back. The skin there is so red and peeley and very tender. He is handling it
pretty well...not complaining too much, just says its itchy. It is so nice to spend a
day at home resting....I feel like this past week was very busy. He does have to
have a shot each day this weekend, and I have to give them to him. Thats not so fun.
We have to do that until his white cell counts come back up. Hopefully by Wednesday.

The really big news to share is he took 4 steps on his own today!! He was holding on to his
motor car and let go and walked to me! My hope is he feels good enough tomorrow and Monday
to do more walking because on the week days he just wants to lay in bed after the hospital.

I wanted to say thank you to the friends who stood after school this week and sold tickets to the skate night and thank you to Herb Gunderson for making the banner that is hanging outside the sport center. It is so sweet to see! By the way, the banner won't be at the intersection of Mt. Hermon and SV drive after all. Instead it will be outside the sport center until skate night so if you drive by, take a look! There were some issues with tax i.d. numbers and stuff, but really the best place for it is outside the actual place were the event will be held. I can't wait!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Dori
IT's Carmen Murray, Ty's mother... we met during radiation last week. I am so happy to hear that Ashton took 4 steps on his own!!! that is awesome! remember that in time he will regain his full strength and be running around again. We are back in Gilroy after being in Palo Alto for over 2 months and happy!!!
Ty is doing great and is now going through follow up scans to make sure that the cancer is gone. My thoughts and prayers have been w/ you and your family... please don't hesitate to call or e-mail me me for anything.. remember I do know what you are going through and want to provide support, if possible.