Thursday, February 19, 2009

2 out of 3.

This week has been a busy one...busy and full of stress. On Monday Ashton had an audiogram, a test to check if his hearing was affected at all from the radiation. We got the results of that immediately and his hearing was completely perfect. That was wonderful news to us because his last test was a little iffy, plus I was worried all those radiation beams were doing some sort of damage. He will continue to have the audiograms every month during his chemo because there is a chemo drug that he will be receiving that causes hearing loss.

Tuesday morning Ashton went in for a lumbar puncture. They pull spinal fluid to check for cancer cells. The very first LP he had was way back before radiation, the day he got his port put in. The result of that test was what we expected...there were cancer cells present and there were A LOT. So, of course I have been very nervous about finding out the results of Tuesdays test. The dr. told me this morning that we may not know the results until Monday, then we would also receive the results of the MRI he is having tomorrow morning. The wait has been so hard, manageable but hard. I have been trying to stay optimistic and telling myself I won't worry until I find out there is reason to. Tuesday night, Ashton's dr told me she was really hoping the test this time will be clear. She said she wouldn't be surprised though if there were some cells left because there were so many in the first place. She also said it wouldn't be the end of the world if there were still cells present, he will still be getting the chemo and that should take care of any lingering ones.

S0, today as I was having a nice lunch at home with a friend, the dr. called. I figured she was calling about some scheduling issues for tomorrow. I had just had a conversation with her a couple of hours earlier and that was when she told me we may not have the results until Monday. She mentioned that she would be checking with pathology this afternoon, but if they weren't back yet then they wouldn't be until Monday. She called with great news....there were NO cancer cells left!!! I couldn't believe it....I still can't. I feel like we are the luckiest people in the world right now. All the treatment he has been having so far has been working! HOORAY!

Now I feel so hopeful about tomorrow's MRI. Please continue to keep Ashton in your thoughts and prayers...we are so grateful! :)

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Praise God! I am SO thrilled to hear that he has no cancer cells left, that is amazing! What a ray of hope for you guys. Thanks for sharing an update, and I'll continue to pray that his hearing is protected and that the MRI goes smoothly tomorrow. Hope to see you around soon.