Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I'm late at letting you all know that the official results of Ashton's MRI is ALL CLEAR!! Yeah, I knew deep down that it would be but it is still such a relief.

We are at the point now where Ashton won't be seeing the doctor very often anymore. His next appointment is for 3 months from now, which is when he will also be getting his next MRI. He will be having the lumbar puncture next Tuesday, very early in the morning. The doctor feels that this will be all clear too, but I'll be worried until I find out for sure.

Ashton is just doing better each day. He is wanting to taste foods more lately, and by taste I mean lick them. He doesn't want any solids in his mouth at all still. He is making progress though, little by little. I will update about the LP next week. Keep those PT's and prayers coming that its all clear too, please! They are working!

1 comment:

Patti Erickson said...

Wonderful news! Thanks for the update!