Monday, June 29, 2009


Today Ashton had his first eye appointment and the results of the test they gave him are very good. He has absolutely nothing wrong with his vision. The only thing wrong is the weak nerves that are keeping his left eye from looking all the way to the left. The dr. told us we have two options. 1. surgery, which will be very effective the only con is after surgery his eye could continue to correct itself and that would make his left eye turn more to the outside. This could be corrected again with another surgery. or 2. Surprisingly he could get botox injected into the stronger nerve. This would be able to be done when he is having his next MRI in August. If he did the botox, it could take a few days for it to be fully corrected or he might need to get another injection at a later time. This could also cause his eyelid to droop for about 3 weeks, but I can live with that. Either way we go, the doctor says his problem is completely fixable. I'm so happy about that. After his eye exam, we went over to the hospital for his normal check up. He is doing so great. He got to show off his new walking skills and really liked having all the doctors in the room giving him attention. He did have to have a platelet transfusion, which made for a long day but hey, by now I'm used to it.

The other night when Ashton was having his obvious reaction to the drug Reglan, I got out my camera and took a nice long video of him. This video has come in very handy because I have been able to show each doctor exactly what he was doing. Explaining it to them just wouldn't be the same. Today Dr. Fisher asked if it would be OK if he could get a copy of the video to show students and let them have a good look at what they would really need to look for. He said sometimes the text books just aren't enough. I kind of felt honored to have him ask that. Its neat to know that Ashton's video may be a useful tool for future doctors.

Now we get to rest for the remainder of the week. Lets hope that on Thursday, when our home nurse come over and does his blood draw, everything will be good and no more transfusions!!! 2 more rounds to go, GO ASHTON!

1 comment:

Patti Erickson said...

Wonderul news about Ashton's vision!!! Have a great 4th with your family!