Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Ashton's 5th birthday

Well, today my little guys turns 5! This is such a happy day. He is feeling and doing great. He has a big birthday party this weekend and we have hired a magician who performed for the kids up at LPCH. Its going to be awesome! Last week, we went out one evening for a family photo shoot. A couple of mom's that I know, one who is also a cancer mom, had offered to do this at no charge and I just couldn't resist! This turned out to be the perfect time, Ashton's b-day and his end of chemotherapy treatment. I wanted to share a slide show one of the mom's made. She just sent it today and I can't get over how much I love it.

When you watch this, make sure you turn the volume up to hear the music.
It truly is special.