Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The latest

Wow, it has been quite a while since I have updated! Not too much has been going on, just living a somewhat normal day to day life. Ashton continues to have Physical therapy and is doing so great! Just last Thursday he went up and down the stairs by himself, which is HUGE! Its amazing how far he has come in just the last few months.

We are waiting to hear some dates of up-coming procedures. First, the dr.s want him to have an upper GI, just to rule out any other reasons he may not want to eat...reasons besides the chemo. Once that is all taken care of, we are hoping to have his NG tube placed into his stomach, which is just called a G tube. This way he won't have the tube in his nose bothering him. The G tube is more permanent, but also temporary. While he is under he will actually have 3 procedures done. 1, the G tube. 2, have his port removed, yea!. And 3, get botox on the stronger muscle in his left eye. We are so looking forward to these procedures! We are planning to start him in preschool in April, with a bunch of visits in March, and we would love to have all of this completed by then. These are big steps forward for us!

Ashton has another hearing test coming up at the end of this month. We are hoping everything is still stable. His last eye appointment was a good one, he can see perfectly. He just needs to get his eye straight.

So, that's all for now. I will update once we get the date of surgery! I'm so happy he is doing so well!

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